Terms of Use for Learning Mate

Terms of Use for Learning Mate

Welcome to Learning Mate! By accessing our website, purchasing our courses, or utilizing our online learning platform, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions. These terms outline your rights and responsibilities when interacting with Learning Mate.

Our Terms and Conditions

  1. Agreement: These terms constitute a legal agreement between you (referred to as “you” or “the customer”) and Learning Mate (“we” or “us”).
  2. Application: These terms apply to all interactions with Learning Mate, including but not limited to accessing our website, purchasing courses, or using our online learning platform.
  3. Changes: We reserve the right to update these terms at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website. Your continued use of our services constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.
  4. Courses: Courses provided through Learning Mate are delivered by professional instructors and third parties. These terms apply solely to the services provided by Learning Mate, not to course content provided by third parties.


  1. Account: To access courses and purchase services from Learning Mate, you must register for an account, providing your full name and contact information.
  2. Privacy: Any personal data shared during registration is subject to our privacy policy, compliant with relevant data protection laws.
  3. Security: You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account password. Notify us immediately if you suspect unauthorized access to your account.
  4. Email Consent: During registration, you may opt-in to receive promotional offers or allow us to share your information with third parties for relevant services. You can opt out at any time.
  5. Account Suspension: We reserve the right to suspend or close your account for breaches of these terms.


  1. Payment: Upon purchasing courses or services from Learning Mate, payment is taken immediately. Confirmation will be sent via email.
  2. Agreement: By purchasing courses, you agree to abide by the terms outlined here.
  3. Pricing: Course prices are clearly stated on our website. We are not liable for undercharged amounts.

Course Content

  1. Quality: While we strive for high-quality course materials, instructors are ultimately responsible for course delivery.
  2. Technical Issues: We aim to resolve technical issues affecting course access promptly.

Account Termination

  1. Breach: Breaches of these terms may result in account suspension or termination.
  2. No Circumvention: Attempts to create new accounts after suspension may result in termination.

User-Generated Content

  1. Content Standards: Users must adhere to our content standards. We reserve the right to remove content that violates these standards.
  2. Ownership: Users assert ownership of their content but must respect intellectual property rights and other laws.

Our Liabilities

  1. Limitation: Learning Mate is not liable for any losses incurred from using our services.
  2. Liability Period: Any liability claims must be made within 12 months of course or service purchase.

International Use

  1. Applicability: Information provided by Learning Mate may not be suitable for all locations. Users are responsible for verifying applicability.


  1. Jurisdiction: These terms are governed by the laws of England and Wales.
  2. Changes: We reserve the right to modify our courses, services, or platform without notice.

Cancellation and Refund

  1. Cancellation: You may cancel online access within 14 days of purchase. Starting the course within this period forfeits cancellation rights.
  2. REED.co.uk Purchases: Specific cancellation policies apply to purchases made through REED.co.uk.
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